

Cremare Animal Crematoria GmbH
An der Lackfabrik 8
46485 Wesel

represented by the managing director: Eric Bulteux

Contact details
Telephone: +49 281 68 190
Email: info@cremare.de

Commercial register
Commercial register court: Duisburg
VAT identification number 16499

VAT ID number
DE 234897950

Responsible regulatory and supervisory authority
Veterinary and food monitoring Wesel
Wesel administration building
Jülicher Straße 4
46483 Wesel

Responsible within the meaning of Section 18 Paragraph 2 MStV
Eric Bulteux
An der Lackfabrik 8
46485 Wesel

This legal notice applies to this website and also to the following social media profiles
Cremare Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CremareTierkrematorien/
Cremare Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cremare_tierkrematorien/
Cremare LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cremare-tierkrematorien-gmbh/

Liability website
The website provides our own and third-party content. If these come from external companies, they are marked accordingly.

Liability for own content
For any loss or damage that the user may incur as a result of the user relying on their own information and data from the seller, which the user received in the course of using the website, the seller is only liable, regardless of the legal reason, if the damage was caused intentionally or was caused by gross negligence on the part of the seller’s legal representatives or vicarious agents, or a duty was violated through slight negligence on the fulfillment of which the user particularly relied (cardinal duty). The seller is only liable for foreseeable damage. Liability for indirect damages, in particular consequential damages, unforeseeable damages or atypical damages as well as lost profits is excluded. The same applies to accidental damage and force majeure. The publisher’s liability for personal injury remains unaffected by this exclusion of liability and this limitation of liability.

Liability for third-party content
For content from third-party companies and private individuals, the homepage only makes the medium technically available. Content made available to the user by third parties is information/data from the corresponding author or disseminator and not from the seller. The seller is therefore under no circumstances responsible for the accuracy, correctness or reliability of this content. In particular, the seller shall not be liable for any loss or damage of any kind incurred by the user as a result of reliance on such information/data.

Liability for links
The inclusion of hyperlinks in the seller’s offer, in particular to cooperation partners, is merely an access provision within the meaning of Section 9 of the Telemedia Act. The seller declares that he assumes no responsibility for the content of the linked websites and that he does not want to adopt them as his own. This declaration applies to all links on this website. In no case is the seller responsible for the content of websites that link to the seller. The seller is also unable to determine or check references or links to its websites. Furthermore, the seller has no influence on how the content offered here is used, passed on or modified by the user and can therefore not be liable for any damages, lost benefits or other direct or indirect consequences that arise from the use of the content offered here. The seller excludes any liability due to technical or other disruptions.

Notes on electronic communication
Instructions for electronic communication data transmission via the internet is associated with risks. We would like to point out that the messages you send to us via the form, as well as emails, can be lost, changed or falsified with or without the intervention of third parties. Therefore, do not send confidential information via form/email.

Photo credits
Graphic design: Studio Atypik
Photos: Fotolia / AdobeStock, freepik