
A thank you for the time together.
Your pet crematorium Erolzheim.

Cremare Tierkrematorium und Tierbestattung Erolzheim

Unsere Tierbestattung mit eigenem Tierkrematorium im baden-württembergischen Erolzheim begleitet seit vielen Jahren Haustierbesitzer in der Trauer. Wir sorgen für einen schönen und respektvollen Abschied von Ihrem Tier. Unser Tierbestatter Team rund um Friedhelm Weinbeer unterstützt Sie und garantiert Ihnen mit viel Einfühlungsvermögen einen respektvollen Umgang mit Ihrem verstorbenen Tier. Eine persönliche Beratung über die Tierkremierung steht bei uns an erster Stelle. Gerne beraten wir Sie zu Ihren Fragen über den Abschied von Ihrem Tier.

Cremare pet funeral near you

A thank you for the time together.

In the difficult time of saying goodbye, we are at your side in Erolzheim. Our trained and sensitive pet undertakers with many years of experience accompany you in your grief. We advise you on the options for cremating your pet as well as your individual wishes for the funeral. Please contact us to arrange an appointment.

Farewell room at Cremare

Say goodbye to your beloved pet with us

Arranging an appointment in advance is important. This means we can support you in the upsetting situation and give you the time to say goodbye to your pet. We offer you peace and quiet in a lovingly designed farewell room.

Choose one of our three animal cremations. With premium cremation you can accompany the cremation in our crematorium. Afterwards you have the opportunity to take the ashes home with you. For individual cremation, we will work with you to coordinate a suitable date for the ashes to be handed over. During collective cremation, your beloved pet will be cremated together with others and buried in the scattering bed in the Garden of Remembrance.

No matter which type of pet funeral you choose, every animal receives the same respectful and dignified treatment that it deserves for its many years of loyalty.

Visit our Cremare pet funeral in Erolzheim

Our funeral service in Erolzheim is at your side in the difficult hours of grief. We accompany you from the very beginning: with advice, support and ash recycling. Visit us in our animal crematorium – we will take the time to address your concerns.

Pet crematorium and pet burial Triefenstein

Keplerstraße 18
88453 Erolzheim

07354 9338590

Appointments by phone

Your area manager in Erolzheim

Friedhelm Weinbeer

Get in touch with us – we are happy to help!

Our Cremare undertaker team in Erolzheim

Only trained pet funeral work for our pet funeral with our own animal crematorium in Erolzheim. They accompany you through the time of saying goodbye to your pet and give you the space you need. Get to know our team, who lovingly take care of the animal funeral, your wishes and you.

Katharina Greif

Katharina Greif

Daniela Babeliowsky

Daniela Babeliowsky

Ralf Bartz

Ralf Bartz

Finn Andrea Dombrowsky

Finn Andrea Dombrowsky

Michelle Jehle

Michelle Jehle

Hildegard Künst

Hildegard Künst

Ekkehard Fischer

Ekkehard Fischer

Erik Wever

Erik Wever

Everything at a glance

About Cremare pet funeral

At some point, every pet owner reaches the difficult day when they have to say goodbye to their beloved pet forever. At Cremare, we share your love of animals and therefore do our best to ensure that every farewell is dignified. Treating your deceased pet with respect is a matter close to our hearts.

Do you have individual wishes for your pet’s funeral or would you like to choose a special urn or unique memorial jewellery? We will also be happy to advise you on this.

About Cremare pet funeral

Our animals have been companions, best friends, confidants and soul mates for us for many years. That’s why, with over a quarter of a century of experience, we do our best to give you a respectful farewell to your pet.

With a growing number of pet crematorium locations and pet funeral parlor branches, we are always close to you. We are there for you and accompany you through this sad time.

About us
Arrange collection for pet funeral

Options for pet cremation

At Cremare, you can say an individual and respectful farewell to your pet. We offer various types of cremation. Find out more about our pet funeral service here.

Arrange collection for pet funeral

Would you like to order the collection of your deceased pet for funeral directly online? Then please use our form. We are also happy to help you personally at any time.

Arrange collection for pet funeral
Arrange collection for pet funeral

Our pet funeral as a package price

We offer our various types of animal cremation at an innovative package price – fast, easy to understand and with no hidden additional costs.

Do you have further questions or have you already decided in favor of a pet funeral?

Then contact us!