
Memorial book terms of use

Subject to the following regulations, you may post content in our Cremare memorial book and thus make it available to third parties via our website www.tierkrematorium-cremare.de.

1. Rights of use and responsibility for your contributions

(1) By posting content, you grant us as the service provider the free and transferable right to use the posted contributions to store the content on our server and to publish it in our memorial book as well as to edit and reproduce it, insofar as this is necessary for storage or publication of the respective content.

If you would like to remove the content you have posted from the memorial book, please let us know [Cremare Tierkrematorien GmbH, An der Lackfabrik 8, 46485 Wesel, info@cremare.de]. However, we remain entitled to retain copies made for backup and/or verification purposes.

(2) You are fully responsible for the content you post. We do not check the content for completeness, accuracy, legality, timeliness, quality and suitability for a particular purpose.

(3) You therefore declare and guarantee to us as the service provider that you are the sole owner of all rights to the content you have posted or are otherwise entitled to post the content and to grant the rights of use and exploitation in accordance with paragraph (1).

(4) We reserve the right to reject memorial book entries and/or to edit, block or remove content that has already been posted without prior notice.

2. Prohibited content

(1) Our memorial book is intended exclusively for non-commercial use. Any use for or in connection with commercial purposes is prohibited.

(2) Content that violates applicable law and/or violates the rights of third parties is prohibited.

(3) If you become aware of any illegal or unauthorized use of the memorial book, please contact us [Cremare Tierkrematorien GmbH, An der Lackfabrik 8, 46485 Wesel, info@cremare.de]. We will then review the matter and take appropriate action if necessary.

3. Applicable law

All disputes arising from this legal relationship are subject to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany with the exception of its conflict of law provisions. This choice of law only applies to consumers to the extent that mandatory provisions of the law of the country in which the consumer has his or her habitual residence do not conflict with the provisions of these terms of use.

Status of the memorial book terms of use: December 1, 2018

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